Welcome to the Night Market. 

Wander the recesses of your own mind, deal with the fallout of book one, and in the end, decide who you would like to be.

If you have not read book one, I highly advise you go back and play that first. Most options will not make sense otherwise.


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Is there a way to restore my save from book 1 or at least insert my name and gender


As you go through the prologue and chapter one you have the option to do all of that.

(1 edit)

I think I might have found a small bug in the not romancing anyone in the first book route. When you're done with the Gabriel tea situation (as in, made the boy drink the darn stuff), there's nothing to advance the story where normally there's a Next you can click.

Also, absolutely awesome work!! This whole story is super cool, I had a blast playing Book 1 repeatedly with different MCs!

Ah... Gabriel breaks my heart 🤧

Jw can malcolm be romanced alone?


If i'm not mistaken your MC can romance Malcom alone but he will eventually enter a relationship with Milo too, and the same thing happens for Milo route. You can do their solo route but your MC will always end up in a polyamorous relationship: either a V poly (where you dating one of them and they're dating each other) or a triad poly where you're dating both of them and they're dating each other so basically the three are together.

(2 edits)

Hey there, I know this is WIP, but I thought I'll mention it in case it's a bug. In Chapter 3 when You agree to Milo escorting you back. There are two dialogue options on a way, and neither of them has any continuation making game stuck.  

Edit: Never mind! I suppose it's related to the fact that I used saves from previous versions of the game. When I reached end of chapter 3 the same thing happened and I could not continue to Chapter 4, but on the "New Game" I could continue all the way to chapter 4. Is that going to be a constant until the final release of the game? If you want to continue to next chapter, you have to restart from the beginning? Would be really nice to know, thank you!

It shouldn't be a constant. Twine updated not too long ago and I'm starting to wonder if the document I write in is not compatible with it anymore. There is something very strange going on with it all. I will usually post a note though if there is a chapter you need to start from and click through for a coding situation. Or I will put in backdoor codes and clean it up on the final version. Thank you for letting me know what is going on.

I see, thank you very much for clarifying :)


Looks promising but still zero character development from Milo frustrating to see. Is there any way to only romance Milo? I don't want to be polygamous with Mal. They claimed to be history but I feel like our MC is the third wheel in the relationship.

(1 edit) (+3)

I think the author said you wouldn't be able to romance Milo without him also being with Malcolm, and we have to keep in mind that he was always a very flawed and stubborn character and he isn't gonna change years worth of behaviors and habits in a short while

(1 edit) (+2)

At this rate I just hope the author is willing to compromise by giving us a choice to still be in a throuple or go back to being platonic with both guys.

I don’t care if I end up single, would rather be alone anyway than being Milo’s second choice when his first wasn’t there to comfort him. 🙄


You can break up with Milo in chapter five. I'm not sure if there will be a new romance code that will happen until the final product however. I'm wanting to get the story down rather than create more paths. When I have the final release, I'll narrow down what feels right for the characters more.


Oh I didn’t know that, thank you for giving that choice at least!

As for new romance, I don’t know about the others but personally I don’t mind if we don’t get to choose to romance anyone again (aka end up single). Like I said, I just wanted a choice to break up instead. And I totally understand your priority, still amazed at the speed of your writing, haha. 😅

(2 edits)

It keeps acting as my night market is a bloke and the name keeps coming up as name instead of the actual name I put in. Edit: working fine now.


I wonder if someone is poisoning Belladonna, perhaps that guard dog of hers..

When i run the game i dont have a character sheet or a name or any of the stuff, is there a way to fix that?


So with this being the WIP version, most of the UI is not created yet. Most likely I'll be focusing on that more towards the end of the wip and have it for when it becomes a full game.


Love this series so far.

but seriously when can I kill Milo? He broke my heart and needs to die.


This is really great! I can't wait for more! Also how tall is Belladonna because for some reason even while I was reading the first book I imagined her to be like insanely tall? Maybe because she is a vampire? Anyway keep up the good work!


She is close to six foot with her heels on. Without, she's about 5'8"


will there be more chapters on itch.io or just on patreon? just finished the first book and the two chapters here and omgg i am SOBBING with the hazel scenes


Great question! Yes there will be. I post the chapter two weeks early on Patreon and then it is released public.

(11 edits) (+2)

uhh so kinda finished book 1 in two days bc i fell in love with the story and ur characters (milo pookie bear ily but i do hate u so much rn…)  anyways! zinnia why are u so amazing ?!! 💗😭  ima let the chapters on here marinate a little bit before reading tho :3 can smell the angst coming out of book 2 with the way we left off  (yay!) 


The angst is for sure coming. :)


I've binged-read from Book 1 until the latest chap of Book 2. Latest happenings were absolutely heart-wrenching, but I'm willing to go through the angst if it meant there's a light at the end of the tunnel. 🥹😭 Dealing with the aftermath in Book 2 was heart-breaking, but I'm here to go through it.

May I ask, what was the update about ?=)


It's the second chapter to the book 2 wip

(2 edits) (+1)

Really? ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و    thank you very much for the update. I will go and check it rn. 

I recently finished the first book on steam, it was amazing. Book 2 is no less intriguing and captivating ♡♡♡

small wings cute but big beautiful majestic wings like an angel 

and i loved it i can't wait for more night market ^^ 

i'm vibrating with excitement i had no clue this had come out !!


Is it normal that even though i chose the platonic path - game asumes that i had relationships with milo? Memories of kissing and "have malcom talked with him about us?" 


Oh! No! Thank you for the heads up. I'll get that fixed with the next chapter.


Hello! Sorry to bother but its still there


Yes. Things have gotten a bit too hectic in my personal life so I didn't have time or  content or a bug upate yet.


Emotionally distraught Milo romancers where you at? 🥲✋🏾


I just finished book one and oh my god. First off I immediately ran over here when I realized that part of book two was out lol. Second, the entirety of book one was some of the best writing I have ever seen, you are incredible, and I can already tell I am going to love book two just as much as I loved book one. Thank you. :)


First, I am happy I found this. Second, I am upset that I found it before it was completed.

No pressure, but where and when can I find more?


Oof. You are in right at the beginning, I'm afraid. So, obviously book one is up for purchase (I just have to make sure that you know because some people are unaware) but I just started writing this one. The good news is that I'm a pretty frequent updater. It only took me a year to write the first book in its entirety. Chapter two is about halfway written now and then it will be off to the beta's. Early access always goes up on Patreon first and then about two weeks later it is released to the public. I usually make an announcement here and over on Tumblr when I have early access out.


Screaming crying HELL YEAH😭Already amazing the Beginning and all and ahh so much joy playing now the wip of the sec.book😭🫶🫶🫶


My goosebumps danced with delight ♥


I'm so excited, this is great! Thank you, Zinnia


I'd like to think I speak for us all when I say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Thank you so much, you're amazing 👏


Thank you for reading!


i cant wait for more ^^


Thank you.


You're welcome!